Calling superclass method with variable args?

David Arnold arnold at
Thu Jul 15 17:29:56 EDT 1999

-->"Steve" == Steve Johnson <slj at> writes:

  Steve> But what if the method takes unnamed positional and keyword
  Steve> arguments. Then, how do you pass these along to the
  Steve> superclass's version of the method such that it gets the
  Steve> arguments in the same form that the subclass's method did?

so close!  the trick is the built-in function "apply(func, args [,
keywords])" has the optional keywords dictionary as a third parameter.



    class Job(Task):
        def __init__(self,a,b,c, *moreargs, **morekeyargs):
            apply(Task.__init__, (self,a,b,c) + moreargs, morekeyargs)
    aJob = Job(x,y,z,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,foo="bar")

should work just fine,


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