os.kill on NT

Haimo G. Zobernig Haimo.Zobernig at cern.ch
Thu Jul 8 10:28:14 EDT 1999

Some time ago (maybe not all that long) someone posted
a small function implementing os.kill on Windows NT, using the PythonWin
extensions. I didn't save it then and now I can't seem to find that post
with either dejanews or egroups. Since I'm not very familiar with NT
I'm having trouble writing it myself. 
Could somebody repost or email it?

Many thanks!

  - Haimo

Haimo G. Zobernig                                  tel   +41 22 7677361
Univ. of Wisconsin                                 fax   +41 22 7678370
c/o CERN Bld. 32 R-A02
1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland                email Haimo.Zobernig at cern.ch

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