Dot product?

Magnus L. Hetland mlh at
Sun Dec 12 19:12:04 EST 1999

Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> writes:

> "David C. Ullrich" wrote:
> My preferred backward-compatible candidate for this is:
>    for x and y in list1, list2:

And something like

  for x and y in list1 and list2:

is ruled out because - list1 and list2 may be arbitrary expressions
resulting in lists or tuples? (Am I right?)

And is

  for x,y in list1, list2:

ruled out because of anything except aesthetic preference? (In that
case, I would like to state my preference as being in favour of the
latter, due to its consitency ;)


  Magnus          Echelon jamming noise:
  Lie             FBI CIA NSA Handgun Assault Bomb Drug Terrorism
  Hetland         Special Forces Delta Force AK47 Hillary Clinton 

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