Tkintr uses Tcl?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed Dec 15 06:35:41 EST 1999

Grant Edwards wrote:
> I get the impression from various postings and documentation
> that Tkintr uses Tcl.  Is this true?


(or rather, Tkinter uses an unmodified version
of Tk, which requires Tcl).

> I come from an STk background where the Tk binding doesn't
> use Tcl, so I was a bit surprised to see references that implied
> that Tkintr still included some sort of a Tcl interpreter.  Doesn't
> this add a lot of overhead?

some overhead, not necessarily "a lot".  it's
usually not a problem IRL.

(it isn't that difficult to get rid of most of the
existing overhead, but I have a few other things
to fix first ;-)

> I presume it is less work than the Stk approach?

definitely.  before scriptics started messing things
up in 8.1, catching up with a new Tk release was
usually no harder than "download and recompile".


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