
Gerrit Holl gerrit.holl at
Thu Dec 23 15:43:53 EST 1999

Gerrit Holl asked:
[Super rexec for execfile() with strings only?]

Fred L. Drake, Jr. answered:
[ConfigParser module]

Gordon McMillan reacted:
[shlex module]

They both don't seem to be what I want.
I'm reinventing the wheel if I use them. *All* I want is having
a dictionairy with the same string rules Python uses. Not many
users will need to see the file: only translators will. If
I've got a file like this:

foo="content of foo...BEEP\a...BEEP\a..."
bar='A string...\n\
with fun...'
foobar="""If you want to have a string, spanning multiple lines,
containing ' and " many times, triple quotes suit the best..."""

And the function should a dictionairy like:`:
{'foo': 'content of foo...BEEP\a...BEEP\a...',
 'bar': 'A string...\012with fun...',
 'foobar': 'If you [...] lines,\012containing \' and " many [...] best...'}

So in fact, execfile() is almost exactly what I need. It's SO CLOSE, it's
a pity to parse a file with shlex() for it...

Shall I just keep secret to translators, so that only people who've read
the source and people who've read this message know it? Much easier, but
quite ugly...


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