Python complaints

Mikael Olofsson mikael at
Wed Dec 1 12:36:22 EST 1999

On 01-Dec-99 skaller wrote:
 >      OK. I implemented the following operators last night in Viper:
 >      += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= |= &= ^= := ++ -- 
 >      (i.e. all the 'C' assignment operators, plus := which is the same as =)

I'm used to interprete <= as 'less than or equal' and << as 'much less 
than', so I guess <<= means 'much less than or equal'. :-)


E-Mail:  Mikael Olofsson <mikael at>
Phone:   +46 - (0)13 - 28 1343
Telefax: +46 - (0)13 - 28 1339
Date:    01-Dec-99
Time:    18:32:21

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