Newbie Variable Definition Question

Andrew N. McGuire amcguire at
Tue Dec 14 11:03:29 EST 1999

Hey all,

    I am a python newbie and am picking up on it very quickly.
Python seems to be a remarkably simple language to learn, however
I have one question..

   This is primarily oriented towards the *nix guys out there....
In Bourne / Korn / Bash shells there is the syntax...

    if [ $variable = "" ]; then

   This tests if a variable is defined, and if not, execute commands.
Also there is the following statement as well....


   This checks if variable is defined and if not, it assigns it a value
of "value".
I was wondering if there was a way to check if a variable is assigned by
referencing its
name in python, even if there is a chance that it is not defined....
my attempts lead to NameError, perhaps this can be used, but I have not
out how to keep the script from stopping after the NameError error.

Any help is greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance.


Andrew N. McGuire
UNIX System Administrator

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