Displaying an array as an image

Rob W. W. Hooft rob at hooft.net
Thu Dec 2 03:50:57 EST 1999

>>>>> "DF" == David Fenyes <dfenyes at flash.net> writes:

 DF> Hello, Is there an easy way to display a 2D array as an image
 DF> using just Tkinter?  I'm aware of a TK Image canvas widget, but
 DF> can't find docs on how to use it or what an 'image' is supposed
 DF> to consist of.  I'm just evaluating numerical python as a
 DF> platform and this is a pretty important functionality that is not
 DF> really addressed in any of the readily available docs.

I have written a program (part of a proprietary program suite) that
does this using PIL/Tkinter for data visualization.  An additional
problem with my type of data is that it has more than 8 significant
bits. If you have similar data, you could have a look at the example
code I put on my starship webpage:



Rob Hooft
=====   rob at hooft.net          http://www.xs4all.nl/~hooft/rob/  =====
=====   R&D, Nonius BV, Delft  http://www.nonius.nl/             =====
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