Where can I find info on IDispatchEx()

Alex Martelli alex at magenta.com
Thu Dec 9 17:12:34 EST 1999

<e.e.sutton at cummins.com> wrote in message 82m49p$fa5$1 at nnrp1.deja.com...
> > Also look at IDispatchEx() - targetted more for "dynamic" objects.
> Where can I find info on IDispatchEx()?  I am not having much luck on

It's in MSDN (the version that came with VC++6) under
"Internet tools: platform SDK"; not in the Contents, but
easy to find under Index or Search.

> I want to write a COM object that can dynamically create interface
> methods which appear as "properties" to a VB script user.

You can do that with plain old IDispatch.  With Microsoft's
ScriptControl, you can load scripts into any ActiveScripting
compatible language (Python should qualify), ask for the
CodeObject of a module, and it should have the dynamic
qualities you require.

Actually, what appear as properties are variables, as in
the example you quote:

> objPerl.EvalScript '$greet = 'Hello, world.\n';"

See?  "$greet" is a _variable_...

> 'Display greeting in a message box. *** It is used like a property! ***

Yep, because it's a variable in the script.


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