python 3D graphics

Mike C. Fletcher mfletch at
Fri Dec 3 06:40:54 EST 1999

Quick answer:
    wxPython does have a 3D Canvas, but it's currently almost entirely
un-documented, they have a demo (as does Pythonwin, for that matter).  The
basic idea is, once you have the Canvas, you can quite easily use any OpenGL
calls you want through PyOpenGL, so no-one seems interested in doing any
more work on it (that I've seen).  Numeric module has some support for
vector operations.  I've yet to get array-data updates to work, but I
haven't really tried that hard. Still, you have plenty of low-level access
to OpenGL graphics (note Alice in the list below uses Direct3D, not OpenGL).

Likely what you want:
    Alice -- Direct3D-based rendering, targetted at kids and neophytes, has
a web plug-in as well. -- Python scripting in an LGPL game engine has the visualisation toolkit with
Python bindings
    JPython has access to all of the Java 3D apis including Magician and

Other stuff:
    Python can run the Cortona VRML control's automation interface without
problem on Win32 (gives a full VRML environment with high-level access to a
fairly decent and extensible sceneGraph engine).  I've used this in a small
in-house project.
    The Quark Army Knife (scripting environment with 3D display).  The 3D
stuff was pretty distant from the Python stuff, but I haven't looked at it
in ages. Role-playing engine (early)
with 3D rendering of a maze (haven't used)
    Blender (another editing environment, out in release, with commerical
and "oldware" versions). (haven't used)
    MagicLight (an editing environment still in alpha of a second iteration
far as I know).
    TrueSpace 4.0 includes Python as a scripting language (haven't used)
    The people working on GEL have expressed interest in Python during
discussions on the CCon's biota list (don't think it's going to do much, but
you never know :) ).
    Renderman systems

That's about all off the top of my head (and a quick search of Dejanews
;) ).  Enjoy,

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