Dirk-Ulrich Heise hei at
Tue Dec 21 06:47:50 EST 1999

>>> import sys
>>> print sys.path
['', 'D:\\Programme\\Python', 'D:\\Programme\\Python\\Pythonwin',
'D:\\Programme\\Python\\win32', 'D:\\Programme\\Python\\win32\\lib',
'D:\\Programme\\Python', 'e:\\py', 'D:\\Programme\\Python\\Lib\\plat-win',
'D:\\Programme\\Python\\Lib', 'D:\\Programme\\Python\\DLLs',
'D:\\Programme\\Python\\DLLs', 'D:\\Programme\\Python\\lib',
'D:\\Programme\\Python\\lib\\lib-tk', 'D:\\Programme\\Python\\Pythonwin']
>>> sys.path.append("c:\\temp")
This adds a new dir to the path.
Dipl.Inform. Dirk-Ulrich Heise
hei at
dheise at

Anders M Eriksson schrieb in Nachricht
<9mBfONcXjnSNEDSMbOcLzJW8BG+Q at>...
>I'm a beginner 'Pythonneer' and I'm trying to get Python to work on my
>Internet account. The ISP has installed Python 1.5.1 so the 'core' is
>there and I've got it working but now I want to use HTMLgen to create
>some html pages. Since the ISP hasn't installed HTMLgen I did on my
>local account but I dont know how to change/create PYTHONPATH!

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