Lists of lists traversal

Alexander Williams thantos at
Wed Dec 22 18:57:21 EST 1999

On 22 Dec 1999 16:45:22 -0500, Justin Sheehy <dworkin at> wrote:
>Your description above doesn't give me a very clear idea of what you
>are trying to do.  The following function, given a list of lists of
>numbers, will return a list of their sums:
>>>> def Sum(ls):
>...   from operator import add
>...   newls = []
>...   for i in ls:
>...     newls.append(reduce(add, i))
>...   return newls

Or, more succinctly:

    >>> import operator
    >>> def Sum2(ls):
    >>>     return map(lambda l: reduce(operator.add, l),
    >>>                ls)

The horrifying need to use a lambda in here is one more scream amongst
the wasteland for automatically curried functions.  :)

Alexander Williams (thantos at           | In the End,
  "Join the secret struggle for the soul of the world." | Oblivion
  Nobilis, a new Kind of RPG                            | Always                                | Wins

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