Py2K wishes

Paul Prescod paul at
Tue Dec 28 03:38:24 EST 1999

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> Any changes of either of these pieces of syntax at this point would break
> almost any script in existence. 

True, but Python 2 is supposed to be designed to break (at least some)
scripts. :) It isn't clear how many. But Python 2 is going to have other
backwards-incompatible changes.

> The only way to accomodate them would be to
> introduce redundant keywords, which would be ... well ... just evil (or
> perl -- I always get those two muddled up). :-)

I don't think that it is a big deal if there is a "proper" syntax and a
"deprecated" syntax. The problem with Perl is it presents all choices as
being equally "correct" so different programmers have no guidance as to
the right one.

 Paul Prescod

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