some random reflections of a "Python newbie": (1) books, and free sites

Brett g Porter BgPorter at
Fri Dec 10 11:58:28 EST 1999

"Grant Edwards" <grant at nowhere.> wrote in message
news:slrn8524tl.jcd.grant at
> What I'd like is a good intermediate level book written for an
> audience that already knows the basics of programming and
> language theory.
Hear, hear. I'm on my second go-through of "Programming Python," and
continue to shake my head -- I've been programming professionally for close
to 10 years now, and this book has the rare ability to make me feel that I
know less after reading it than I did before.

Also, I already own all the scripts to Python (Monty), and don't need to get
them in a programming text.

I was looking for a 'little' language and almost bought a Perl book instead
(before I looked at enough Perl code to realize that it looks like the
bastard stepchild of awk & Basic). I wasn't expecting the depth that I'm
finding in Python.

What I'd _really_ like is the Python equivalent of Bruce Eckel's "Thinking
in..." series -- I know that Bruce is going to throw a Python seminar soon,
so maybe...

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