Announce: Pyxie - an Open Source XML Processing Library for Python

Paul Prescod paul at
Sat Dec 18 14:03:22 EST 1999

Robin Becker wrote:
> Almost all modern programming languages have some means for describing
> data items or objects or classes or whatever. Why don't we have a
> derivative of C++ or python or whatever for data description?

Just because nobody standardized the right langauge and a schema
language for the right language at the right time. Instead, XML was
coming on-stream as a document markup language at the time that we
needed a standardized data description language to make this B2B stuff
"work". A minimalist might argue that having one language for describing
human readable and computer processable information is the Right Thing.
A syntax purist might argue that the XML syntax is not really optimized
for data description. A pragmatist might argue that it is easier to go
along because we all know that syntax is irrelevant and fighting about
it is only appropriate on the types-sig.

 Paul Prescod  - ISOGEN Consulting Engineer speaking for himself
Three things never trust in: That's the vendor's final bill
The promises your boss makes, and the customer's good will

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