Python15.Dll & Borland C++ Builder 3

Rolf C Stadheim r-stadhe at
Fri Dec 17 20:11:27 EST 1999

I think this has to do with the different standards  Microsoft and Borland has
for DLL's.
The way to go is to make a Borland compatible DLL of the Python15.dll, which
is built for Visual C++.

This excellent link on the topic should enable you to fix it:

Rolf C Stadheim

Gene Chiaramonte wrote:

> I'm using C++ Builder 3 and tried including Python.h to see if I could use
> the Python15.dll.
> Here's a snippet of what happens:
> #include "Python.h"  // this is fine
> PyObject *t;  // this is fine
> Py_Initialize();  // !!! this causes the following Link Error
> [LinkerError] Unresolved external '_Py_Initialize' referenced from C:\MY
> Any idea why this happens and how to fix it?
> Thanks,
> Gene

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