Class definition example question

Grant Edwards grant at nowhere.
Thu Dec 9 11:54:52 EST 1999

In article <19991209232342.51448 at>, Greg McFarlane wrote:

>I think you could turn stdoutHandler() into a normal (private)
>method and then pass it into createfilehandler, like this:
>class execWindow(Pmw.ScrolledText):
>    def run(self,progPath):
>	...
>	Tkinter.tkinter.createfilehandler(self.__child.fromchild,
>				  Tkinter.tkinter.READABLE,
>				  self._stdoutHandler)
>    def _stdoutHandler(self, file, mask):
>	...
>Or am I missing something?

Nope, you're not missing something -- that works fine. For some
reason the difference between the definition

  def stdoutHandler(self, file, mask)
and the example prototype for a file handler

  handler(file, mask)

prevented me from thinking of that (though it's the obvious
thing to do now that you point it out).

Thanks!  I knew I was missing an obviously better way of doing

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I need to discuss
                                  at               BUY-BACK PROVISIONS
                                 with at least six studio

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