RFC: Implementing ECS in Python

Kendall Clark kclark at ntlug.org
Thu Dec 16 11:19:45 EST 1999


I'm planning a free software implementation of Apache's ECS (Element
Construction Set) in Python. You can find ECS at


With ECS you can programmatically build XML, HTML4 and RTF structured
documents in an OOP way.

There isn't really anything in Python that is similarly comprehensive
or up-to-date. HTMLgen is nice, but it's getting a bit dated and it
has some bugs in spots (and it's just HTML, not XML or RTF).

If you're interested in working on this project, please send me an
email at kclark at ntlug.org. I will start a mailing list and a Web page
if enough people are interested in working on this.

Kendall Clark
For a man cannot expect to make money out of the community
and to receive honor as well. --Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics

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