Python complaints

Mike Fletcher mfletch at
Tue Dec 14 10:13:55 EST 1999

for first, second, third in [ 
	(a/x, a**2, y)
		for a in listone, 
		for y in [(l3val**4) for l3val in listthree],
		for x in [(2**math.PI**l4val) for l4val in listfour],
	print first, second, third

Or something similar is probably what people are hyped about.  I.e. complex
parallel processing of multiple lists with multiple levels of comprehension
(ww?).  Note, I'm sure someone will want to add "for i indexing x in []"
syntax to this construct :) .


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Boncelet [mailto:boncelet at]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 6:13 AM
To: python-list at
Subject: Re: Python complaints
This is the first I've seen of this notation and it is simple and
understandable.  But the savings is minimal versus normal Python

fx = []
for a in x:

Am I missing something?

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