
Patrick Phalen python-list at
Wed Dec 1 11:26:48 EST 1999

[Jacek Artymiak, on Wed, 01 Dec 1999]
:: Does anybody know how many people are using Python? 10,000? 100,000? 
:: I'm wondering just how big is our community.
:: Jacek Artymiak
:: co-author:  StarOffice for Linux Bible (IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.)

Since you're a Linux book author, you may have a subscription to Linux
Journal. In the December issue, Phil Hughes interviews GvR and poses
the same question. The answer is that noone knows.

(BTW, in the same issue, Doc Searls interviews ESR, who says, once
again, that he has dropped Perl for Python.)

Guido does say that his gut tells him the Python community is an order
of magnitude smaller than Perl's.

so-the-answer-is-42-ly y'rs  -patrick

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