Anyone know of a simple socket proxy in python?

Markus Stenberg mstenber at cc.Helsinki.FI
Tue Dec 28 07:33:22 EST 1999

Sean True <seant at> writes:
> I've searched a bit and not found what I was looking for. I'm looking
> for a bit of source code in Python that would run on a firewall and
> connect external requests to internal TCP servers. Something like:

I'm curious about why it needs to be in Python: there are gazillion(tm)
toys that do that already, written mostly in portable-ish C. [1]

> python hostname 80 21 23

For example, redir package does this - can't remember origins, see>packages->redir for details.

> I'll reinvent the wheel if necessary, but wanted to check. Comments on
> the practicality of such a plug in Python are also welcome.

Reinventing the wheel is always fun.

> -- Sean


[1]	I have one available[2], although it has not been released to
public. Mail me if you want it.

[2]	Many-to-many, many-to-single TCP connection multiplexer. I have
used it primarily for allowing me to use say, multiple clients on same
persistent connection to remote host. People[3] have claimed it works for
your use case as well, though.

[3]	Some friends needed exactly what you needed -> I supplied them with
the program.

UNIX sysadmin's day:
  gawk; talk; date; wine; grep; touch; unzip; touch; gasp; finger; gasp;
  mount; fsck; more; yes; gasp; umount; make clean; make mrproper; sleep

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