Py2K wishes

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Tue Dec 28 17:41:32 EST 1999

Paul Prescod wrote:
 [his __fallback__ idea]
> The "fallback" code is presumably very optimized and is of course
> written in Python. It is often the case that I want to have a an
> instance that "falls back" to some other instance. For instance I
> might have an object that almost does what I want but I need to
> wrap some of the methods to be Unicode aware. The other methods
> should just "fall back" automatically. This sort of proxying is
> also useful for working around cycles. Typically we code this by
> hand using __getattr__. 

If you're catching specific methods, why not subclass? OTOH, 
if your code looks like:

class Proxy:
  def __getattr__(self, nm):
    attr = getattr(self.__obj, nm)
    if type(attr) == type(''):
       return Unicode(attr)
    return attr

then I fail to see how a __fallback__ thingie is going to make 
your life any easier.

- Gordon

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