string interpolation in doc strings...

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at
Fri Dec 10 01:51:09 EST 1999

>>>>> "SM" == Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:

    SM> I imagine some of the active particpants in the doc sig will
    SM> have some opinions about the use of format strings embedded in
    SM> doc strings.  It's not immediately obvious to me that it's
    SM> good docstring stewardship.

That's a good point Skip.  Looking back over my use of this, it's
fairly limited to things like

PROGRAM = sys.argv[0]
__version__ == '0.1'

and then interpolating just those two globals into the docstring.
Very occasionally, it'll be something more, but it's also just as
likely that I might generate dynamic information to tack onto the end
of the script's module docstring.

Lately, I haven't been doing any of that though, and just printing
__doc__ in the usage() function.  That alone is a mighty handy way of
doing it.


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