COM exceptions

sven sashaNOsaSPAM at
Mon Dec 27 18:08:40 EST 1999

A question for any and all Python/COM experts:

     I'm writing a multi-threaded app (under WinNT using the threading
module) that makes heavy use of a third party COM component.
Occasionally the component will throw an OLE Error, which bubbles up to
my code as a pywintypes.com_error.
I can't figure out how to gracefully handle these things. When any
thread encounters one of these, *all* the threads stop (however, the
main interpreter thread does not exit). I've tried looking for dead
threads and restarting them (or replacing them with new ones with the
same target), but apparently these 'stopped' threads are still
considered alive.
I'm not sure if this is a threading issue, a COM issue or some fiendish
combination of the two.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for your time.


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