Please test new dynamic load behavior

Robin Becker robin at
Thu Dec 23 14:22:47 EST 1999

In article <Pine.LNX.4.10.9912231022280.16305-100000 at>,
Greg Stein <gstein at> writes
>> ...
>> What was the motivation behind this modification?
>Harri -
>With the new code structure, it is much easier to maintain Python's
>loading code.
>Each platform has its own file (e.g. dynload_aix.c) rather than being all
>jammed together into importdl.c. This isn't a huge win by itself, but does
>increase readability/maintainability. The big improvement, however, is
>when you are adding support for new platforms or loading mechanisms. A new
>dynload_*.c can be written and one line added to, and you're
>done. No need to make importdl.c even uglier.  (actually, importdl.c no
>longer contains *any* platform specific code; it has all been moved to the
>dynload_*.c files)
ok so presumably the selection logic now is in the
and as that's already there, this is a win.
Robin Becker

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