Annoying error message

Gerrit Holl gerrit.holl at
Sat Dec 4 17:14:39 EST 1999


if one uses a dict that spans multiple lines, the error message produced
can be very annoying:

23:11:20:5/505:gerrit at stopcontact:~$ python /tmp/
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/tmp/", line 3, in ?
    d = {'a': 1,
NameError: c
23:11:27:7/507:gerrit at stopcontact:~$ cat /tmp/

d = {'a': 1,
     'b': 2,
     c: 3}

IMO, the Python traceback should say this instead:
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/tmp/", line 5, in ?
    d = {'a': 1,
         'b': 2,
         c: 3}
NameError: c

  File "/tmp/", line 3-5, in ?

    d = {'a': 1,
    ...			# I mean this literally.
    c: e}

because sometime dictionaries span MANY lines.

That's much more clear when debugging.

Or does that have major disadvantages?


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