Order of keyword arguments

Xeno Campanoli xeno at bigger.aa.net
Tue Dec 21 23:32:10 EST 1999

Gordon McMillan <gmcm at hypernet.com> wrote:
: Andres Corrada wrote:

: Well I'm feeling amiably disagreeable too, so I'll differ with that. 
: A "dictionary" in the wider-than-Python sense has an ordering 
: to it that is based on it's keys. The order of arguments to a 
: function is _not_ an ordering based on the argument names; 
: ergo, the existence of an American Heritage Dictionary gets 
: you no closer to your goal (in this sense, at least). What 
: you're apparently arguing for is an ordered dictionary. What 
: you _want_ is an indexed list.

Um, why not make a simple python class that implements methods for an
ordered dictionary.  You just define the definitions in the object, and 
define any of various sorting methods, and access methods.  This is easy
enough that I'm not sure it would be necessary to have it a hard coded part
of the language.  

Sincerely, Xeno
Python novice and desperate emigre from Perl.
Xeno Campanoli
All I want for Christmas is some contract Linux/Python/Zope contract work
Email:	xeno at aa.net	(Web pages:  http://www.aa.net/~xeno)

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