[Tutor] Overloading + factoring

Ivan Van Laningham ivanlan at callware.com
Sat Dec 4 11:32:46 EST 1999

Hi All--

FFlores wrote:


> Well, that's another thing! I was referring to C++-like
> overloading (i. e. several definitions of the same method,
> to be tested in order until the parameters fit). But I've
> already been told that's not possible.

No, it's not possible, but you don't really need it.  You can use the
special class methods, such as __add__ and __radd__, and those will
cover a larger spectrum than C++ does for the + operator.  That is, with
C++ you can define methods such that <instance> + 1 means something, but
you can't define a method for 1 + <string> as you can with Python's
__radd__ method.  Inside each such method, just check the types of the
other operand.  If it's an int, do thing a, for a long, thing b, and so
on.  I submit that you'll end up with less code that is far more
comprehensible doing it this way in Python than you can ever hope to
achieve in C++.


> > > And something else, though it's not Python-related:
> > > is there a nice method for factoring numbers, calculating
> > > lcd, gcd, and/or a good library of such functions for rational
> > > numbers?
> >
> > Not to my knowledge.  But, you could probably write one yourself.
> Oh yes, I could make a function that gives me the prime numbers
> I need. But I'd become old and die while the interpreter is still
> calculating. :) Thanks anyway.

I think Tim Peters has a rational number library.  I posted a gcd()
function on the list awhile back, taken from Knuth's extended gcd
example, which Tim then proceeded to improve greatly.  Deja news lets
you search the archives, but I also think that the exgcd() function got
snapped up for the snippets website.

Sorry I don't have the URLs for either Deja news or the snippets. 
Shamefully, I don't even remember who is responsible for the snippets
site.  I bet parnassus would have pointer to the snippets site, and
might even have one to Tim's rationals.

Ivan Van Laningham
Callware Technologies, Inc.
ivanlan at callware.com
ivanlan at home.com
See also: 
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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