string interpolation syntactic sugar

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at
Thu Dec 9 12:26:31 EST 1999

>>>>> "SM" == Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:

  SM> It's perhaps worth pointing out that in situations where all the
  SM> items you want to interpolate are local variables you can use
  SM> the locals() builtin function instead of building a dict
  SM> on-the-fly in your code

  SM>     "a %(x)s b %(y)s" % locals()

  SM> (I know Jeremy knows this, just pointing it out for others new
  SM> to Python's string interpolation facility.)

And it's a good technique to point out!  Another variant of this that
I've found useful is:

     "a %(x)s b %(y)s" % obj.__dict__


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