Tkinter and sliders

Jim Richardson warlock at
Mon Dec 27 23:08:56 EST 1999

On 27-Dec-1999 Doug Hellmann wrote:
> It sounds like you have the command bound to a mouse motion event rather
> than an event which is only called while a mouse button is pressed and
> the mouse moves.  Post some code, and I can try to be more specific.

Thanks for the reply, you are absolutely correct. I had simply grabbed some
tkinter example, and chopped it to fit without really understanding the code,
once I went back and stopped playing s/monkey-see/monkey-do/ things became a
little more clear. THanks for the responce. I liked python without the gui
stuff, but I really love it with it ! 

Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

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