Be gentle with me....

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at
Wed Dec 8 00:13:38 EST 1999

>>>>> "SAF" == Samuel A Falvo, II <kc5tja at> writes:

    SAF> Yet, combined with colon definitions, immediate words, and
    SAF> the EVALUATE word, Forth's execution model can rival, and in
    SAF> some cases, exceed, Lisp's own macro subsystem.

I haven't written any Forth in nearly 15 years, but before I started
hacking Python I don't think I had as much fun with any other language
(well, Lisp ironically comes close as does Objective-C).  I worked
with some great Forth hackers at the time, and it was truly amazing
what could be accomplished with what today would be a laughingly tiny
memory footprint.


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