Python locks up X

Matt Gushee mgushee at
Sat Dec 18 02:44:21 EST 1999

sragsdale at writes:

> For some reason, forking a child process and using Dialog.Dialog boxes
> to call Frame.quit results in X locking up in both Irix and Linux
> (Redhat 6.0).  Anyone have a clue why this is happening?  Is this sloppy
> programming on my part or a bug in Tkinter?

... or a bug in X or your window manager?

I don't have a clue *why* it's happening, but I don't get the same
results. I have Red Hat 5.2. I tried your code in 4 different ways:

  1) By doing 'execute-buffer' in XEmacs' python-mode.
  2) By saving, 'chmod 755'-ing, and executing ./ from an xterm/rxvt
  3) By doing 'python' in an rxvt
  4) By doing './ &' in an rxvt

In case 1, the OK button destroys the dialog immediately, while the
main window remains for a short time before exiting with 

	Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x1db)!

In cases 2 & 3 (foreground execution), both Tkinter windows become
zombies (? not sure of the correct term) and the shell prompt returns
immediately. In case 2, the dead windows disappear after a few
moments, while in case 3, they linger until I kill the Python process.

In case 4, the 'click to lock X' button does nothing.

In no case did X lock up, though things did get a little jerky with
several cat processes running.

Hope this helps a bit.

Matt Gushee
Portland, Maine, USA
mgushee at

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