
Gerrit Holl gerrit.holl at
Fri Dec 3 15:12:32 EST 1999

Thomas Hamelryck wrote:
> The use of indentation is IMO indeed a (very) weak point of python.

I believe people who use Python as a first language (like me) disagree in
that. I dislike all those {'s en }'s in c, and I rather read postscript
than P**l.

> Many people however who use python like it.

As i said: people who start with Python as a first language like it.

> I've been using python for one year now and I still deeply dislike it.
> However, the language is so nicely crafted that its advantages easily
> outweigh the use of indentation.

For me, it's the largest reason to use Python over P**l.

> Hey, no language is perfect!
> You might even start to like as many python users do... 

I don't know how it is on other languages, but the mistake I make most is:
class A:
    def __init__():

no self... Why do I have to type it, if it's not possible to not type it?


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