Compound Assignment Operators ( +=, *=, etc...)

Tom Christiansen tchrist at
Wed Aug 18 23:17:07 EDT 1999

     [courtesy cc of this posting mailed to cited author]

In comp.lang.python, 
    Timothy R Evans <tre17 at> writes:
:One reason that these constructs could cause problems is due to
:namespaces.  Assuming that x += y is expanded to x = x + y, consider
:the following code while remembering how python treats namespaces and
:global variables.
:>>> def foo():
:...    x += 2
:...    return x
:>>> x = 42
:>>> foo()
:>>> x
:I don't think this is what you want to happen, but it is what python
:would do.  Inside foo(), the global variable x is read, then a local
:variable x is created (there is no `global x' in the function).  So in 
:this case x += 2 does not add 2 to x, it creates a new local variable
:that is 2 greater than the global variable of the same name.

That's not the way I dimly understand it.  You can't from a local
scope even try to do a 

    x = x + 2

on a global, unless you declare x to be global.  Anything else is illegal,
because you'd end up talking about a global and a local at the same
time.  Consider if your function were written:

    def foo():
	x = x + 2
	return x

That's not legal even now.  You need the global.

:Confused yet, well here's a second reason.
:>>> x = [1,2,3,4]
:>>> y = x
:>>> x += [5,6]
:>>> x
:>>> y
:what should this be?
:you would expect x += y on lists to actually extend the list, or do
:you want it to be x = x + y, which could be really slow on big lists,
:while hiding the fact that it is copying the list.

I think you've pointed out a real issue here, but it's not the "big lists
are slow one".  That's just something the compiler should just optimize.

The real issue is the aliasing issue.  If you write:

    x = [1,2,3,4]
    y = x

Then you are expecting x and y to refer to the same object.  If you use

    x = x + [5,6]

then you've orphaned y, which remains as it was due to the
semantics of "+" providing a new result list.

Is this bad?  I don't know for sure.  Sometimes it seems to make sense.
Certainly if you write

    x = 4
    y = x
    x = x + 2

you don't expect y to track the changes to x and also be 6.  

I don't really see any reason for 

    var += expr

to be defined in any terms other than

    var = var + expr

However, I do see ample opportunity for optimization, some of which
might be easier given += then it would be if written out long hand.

    "The purpose of most computer languages is to lengthen your resume by
    a word and a comma." --Larry Wall

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