gcc optimization breaks NumPy?

John Fisher jfisher at are.berkeley.edu
Mon Aug 23 16:27:34 EDT 1999

Hey folks,

I was getting consistent but inexplicable segmentation faults with the
following code, using NumPy's C API to move data between Python and C
(for sparse matrix multiplication; the data structure is from Meschach,
in case that's relevant).  I found the problem to be caused by gcc's
optimization options.

static PyObject * mul(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {

  ...Snip declarations...

  ...Snip working code.  Function ends with:

  return MakeFromMes(product);

which is defined as:

PyObject * MakeFromMes(SPMAT *in) {
  int i, j, m, n, nzs, count, pos, therow, thecol;
  int dummy[0];
  double elem;
  PyArrayObject *pr, *ir, *jc;

  m = in->m; n = in->n; nzs = 0;

  /* Count the number of nonzero elements of in
     ISZERO is a macro to test for "good enough" floating point 0 */
  for(i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if(!ISZERO(sp_get_val(in, i, j))) nzs++;

  dummy[0] = nzs;

  if(!( (pr = PyArray_FromDims(1, dummy, PyArray_DOUBLE)) &&
	(ir = PyArray_FromDims(1, dummy, PyArray_INT)) &&
	(jc = PyArray_FromDims(1, dummy, PyArray_INT)) )) {
    fprintf(stderr, "MakeFromMes: Could not create output arrays.\n");
    return Py_BuildValue("O", Py_None);

  count = pos = 0;

  /* Fill column-wise */
  for(j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      elem = sp_get_val(in, i, j);
      if(!ISZERO(elem)) {
	therow = pos % n;
	thecol = (int)(pos / n);
	*(double *)(pr->data + count * pr->strides[0]) = elem;
	*(int *)(ir->data + count * ir->strides[0]) = therow;
	*(int *)(jc->data + count * jc->strides[0]) = thecol;
  return Py_BuildValue("OOO", pr, ir, jc);

The segmentation fault occured immediately after MakeMes() returned.
Were I to change the mul() function to end with

  PyObject *out = MakeFromMes(prod);
  return out;

the error would occur even before execution passed to the printf.

The problem occurs only with an -O option in compilation.  Other
specific -f optimization options do not cause the seg fault.  So my
question is -- because I've let gcc optimize other extensions to Python
I've written without incident -- what was it here that caused this
behavior?  I'd appreciate any ideas and speculations, because I'm still
baffled by this, though the problem seems to be solved.


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