Adding manual access to IDLE

JW jessw at
Mon Aug 30 20:39:56 EDT 1999

I am a very new user of Python, and although IDLE is a godsend(Ooh,
colors!), it was curiously missing any access to the Python
Documentation.  I added a simple command to open the docs, but it is
pretty ugly, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed this problem or has
any sugestions about dealing with it?

						Jesse Weinstein

These are my alterations in the IDLE source:

idle\ 51:
    ('Open _Docs...', '<<open-docs>>'), #JW
idle\ 55:
 #$ event <<open-docs>> #JW
idle\ 112:
         text.bind("<<open-docs>>", self.open_docs)  #JW
idle\ 241:
     def open_docs(self, event=None):                #JW
C:\python\doc\index.html") #JW

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