What is a troll by the way? [offtopic]

Robin Becker robin at jessikat.demon.co.uk
Sat Aug 21 08:56:26 EDT 1999

In article <99082113432403.12112 at o112>, Fredrik Henbjork
<frehe491 at student.liu.se> writes
>> ppresumably the fishing reference is a mis-pronounced form of trawl
>> although given the number of English dialects troll might be correct
>> somewhere in that sense.
>> -- 
>> Robin Becker
>I think you are wrong. I was an active fisher until I gave it up some years ago
>due to animal rights reasons. Trolling and trawling are totally different 
>Trawling means that you basically drag a *big* net behind a *ship* while
>trolling means that you have one or several fishingrods with baits trailing
>some tens of meters behind the boat. Trawling is industrial fishing done by
>professional fisherman while trolling is mostly done by people as a hobby.
>Trolling also makes more sense in a semantical way in the expression
>"trolling for flames" than trawling since you don't use a bait (remember
>"flamebait") when trawling.
I stand corrected. I am no fisher.
>Fredrik Henbjork
>Email: frehe491 at student.liu.se
>WWW: http://o112.ryd.student.liu.se

Robin Becker

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