Why use Perl when we've got Python?!

Sam Holden sholden at pgrad.cs.usyd.edu.au
Fri Aug 13 22:39:10 EDT 1999

On 13 Aug 1999 20:05:12 -0700,
	John W. Stevens <jstevens at basho.fc.hp.com> wrote:
>Thanks for the two missing magic characters (@$, and =>).  I always
>have to look them up.

Learn some perl then. @ is pretty fundamental. $ is pretty fundamental.
What happens when you tell a scalr to be an array is pretty fundamental.

>The fact that you have a $dict that has $, instead of a %, is
>very confusing.

Only if you don't know perl. $dict is a scalar. %dict is a hash. In that
example a scalar was used. 

At least in the discussions I have with people about python I don't
complain about python syntax I don't understand I just ask what it means.

Instead of calling it confusing people who actually want to learn something
ask what it means, and why it is so. You obviously don't want to
learn but only to criticise. That's fine but it would be better to just
post to the python group...


You can write Perl programs that resemble sed, or awk, or C, or Lisp, or
Python. This is Officially Okay in Perl culture.
	--Larry Wall

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