RFC: Viper: yet another python implementation

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Wed Aug 11 15:48:09 EDT 1999

>>>>> "MH" == Michael Hudson <mwh21 at cam.ac.uk> writes:

    MH> I think JPython does some global analysis; not heard anything
    MH> on that front for a while though.

At IPC7, JimH reported on some experiments he'd been doing
<http://www.jpython.org/jpython-talk-1.ppt> with whole program
analysis in the jpythonc tool.  He reported some impressive results,
but alas most of that stuff had to be taken out of the released
version of the tool.  Due to lack of time, this work will probably be
on the back burner for a long while unless someone else with interest
adopts it.


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