Small question about Python executeable(sp?) files

Syniq crdempsey at
Wed Aug 25 23:51:30 EDT 1999

Skip Montanaro wrote:

> Check out the various freeze/squeeze/xfreeze
> packages available for Python.  Poking around
> should yield some positive leads.

Skip and Alex:

Thank you both!  I will check out fr/squ/xfreeze, but I think that's what I
need.  Thank you very much. Thank you, thank you thank you!

I have read in many books and on several websites that you can get help for
__________  (insert random
computer related subject) in comp.something.________   or on some IRC
chatroom...yet when I get there, what I find is either porn or a bunch of
nonsense--no help.  What I've read and what I've experienced with this group
tells me it's different.  Thank you so much for showing me some of the
community support for which linux is so famous.  I hope that at some point,
I will be able to provide the same service to another user.


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