More random python observations from a perl programmer

Moritz Moeller-Herrmann moritz at
Thu Aug 19 18:09:53 EDT 1999

On 19 Aug 1999 10:30:51 -0700, Tom Christiansen <tchrist at> wrote:


>>There are 'raw' strings though, 'r"<string>"', that dont do backslashes.

>Those aren't the book, and there are no manpages.  Therefore, 
>in many ways, they don't really count.  I know it hurts to hear
>this, and you're all going to jump on me, but please please think
>about it for a bit before you do so.

>>> GOTCHA: (high)
>>>     Python has no manpages!  The horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>     ENODOC
>>Damn, i hadn't even noticed that. Can you imagine ? I guess the '__doc__'
>>attributes on objects are enough manpage for me. ;)

>It's unconscionable.   Lack of tools and the tool-based 
>approach strikes again.  See other postings.


>That's not a fricking manpage.  How can I run "apropos copy"
>on it?  How do I do 
>    grep copy /usrpython/man/*/*.*
>    find /usrpython/man -print | xargs grep copy /dev/null
>    troff -man /usrpython/man/man3/copy.3py

>etc etc.  Tools, man.  Man tools.  Flexible interchangeable


Actually, there are excellent html docs. And I found raw strings easily.

grep -3 "raw strings" python-doc/html/*/*.html

    python-doc/html/lib/node66.html-subsequent character are included in the resulting string.  However,
    python-doc/html/lib/node66.html-if Python would recognize the resulting sequence, the backslash should
    python-doc/html/lib/node66.html-be repeated twice.  This is complicated and hard to understand, so
    python-doc/html/lib/node66.html:it's highly recommended that you use raw strings for all but the
    python-doc/html/lib/node66.html-simplest expressions.
    python-doc/html/lib/node66.html-<DD>Used to indicate a set of characters.  Characters can

    python-doc/html/ref/ref-4.html-longstringchar:  <any ASCII character except
    python-doc/html/ref/ref-4.html-escapeseq:       "\" <any ASCII
    python-doc/html/ref/ref-4.html: In plain English: String literals can
	be enclosed in single <A NAME=MARKER-2-51></A>quotes (') or double quotes
	("). They can also be enclosed in groups of three single or double quotes
	(these are generally referred to as <I><A NAME=MARKER-2-52></A>triple-quoted
	strings</I>). The <A NAME=MARKER-2-53></A>backslash (\) character is used to
	escape characters that otherwise have a special meaning, such as newline,
	backslash itself, or the quote character. String literals may optionally be
	prefixed with a letter 'r' or 'R'; such strings are called <I>raw strings</I>
	and use different rules for backslash escape sequences.<P>
	python-doc/html/ref/ref-4.html- In "long strings" (strings surrounded by sets
	of three quotes), unescaped newlines and quotes are allowed (and are
	retained), except that three unescaped quotes in a row terminate the string.
	(A "quote" is the character used to open the string, i.e. either ' or
    python-doc/html/ref/ref-4.html- <A NAME=MARKER-2-54></A>Unless an 'r' or 'R'
	prefix is present, escape sequences in strings are interpreted according to
	rules similar to those used by Standard <A NAME=MARKER-2-55></A>C. The
	recognized escape sequences are:
     python-doc/html/ref/ref-4.html-<TABLE BORDER="1">

I fail to see why lynx and grep don't work :-)

Moritz Moeller-Herrmann mmh at ICQ# 3585990        # Not only
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