More random python observations from a perl programmer

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at
Thu Aug 19 14:54:06 EDT 1999

>>>>> "TC" == Tom Christiansen <tchrist at> writes:

    TC> Thanks for nothing: there are no manpages.

You're right.  Is that a fatal lossage?  For some people, definitely
not for everybody, or even most Python programmers it seems (although
I do not follow the doc-sig, I haven't seen a tidal wave hue and cry
for manpages).

Is Python adequately documented?  Absolutely, because the latex source
is easily printed or viewed by a web browser (and you don't even need
to be on-line).  The current suite of documentation formats seems to
give poor overworked Fred the most bang for the buck.  Info format
used to be supported, but I don't think that was used by enough people
to justify the work involved in keeping it going.  Manpage format just
doesn't seem to be that popular either.  I know that sucks for you
Tom, but I'm sure Fred would gladly take a contribution that generated
manpage format from the latex source.  You might even be surprised at
the languages he'd accept such a contribution in! :)

It's really a simple matter of resources and the 80/20 rule.


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