Unsorting(randomizing) a sequence

Factory faqtori at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 29 00:23:52 EDT 1999

In article <m3d7wfm11h.fsf at pcrm.win.tue.nl>, stephan at pcrm.win.tue.nl 
> "Tim Peters" <tim_one at email.msn.com> writes:
> Actually, on Linux you could reseed by reading values from /dev/random.
> /dev/random will block if not enough "random" events are happening
> in the system to satisfy your application's hunger for random number.
> So this might actually make a little sense; a *real* random source
> (like /dev/random supposedly is) might be too slow to produce
> enough numbers.
> ...although there is also /dev/urandom, which basically solves this
> problem for you (i.e. it uses the same mechanism as /dev/random to create
> random numbers, until the kernel is out of random numbers, and then
> it continues with pseudorandom numbers).

  Hmm this all might be made alot easier, since intel is apparently going 
to start including hw random generators on it's motherboards, hopefully 
every other comp. manufacturer will get the 'me too' feeling and start 
doing the same. 
  It'll prolly annoy alot of mathematician's though.. :)

  - Factory

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