Why use Perl when we've got Python?!

Abigail abigail at delanet.com
Sun Aug 15 06:23:20 EDT 1999

John Stevens (jstevens at bamboo.verinet.com) wrote on MMCLXXIV September
MCMXCIII in <URL:news:slrn7rb1nc.cf9.jstevens at bamboo.verinet.com>:
$$ On 14 Aug 1999 04:08:05 GMT, Sam Holden <sholden at pgrad.cs.usyd.edu.au> wrote:
$$ >That could simply have been a reference. Or a symbolic reference.
$$ >
$$ >What is fundamental is that a @ tacked on the front indicates that it is an
$$ >array.
$$ What is so amusing about that, is that you can say that with a straight
$$ face!

It's nice to see you have fun about nothing. 

$$ >So given @$fred, even with no knowledge of what that exactly means
$$ >you should be able to tell that it is somehow treating $fred as an array.
$$ No, what any reasonable person would do would be to grab for his
$$ Perl book. . .

Perhaps the first and the second time he encounters it. If he needs it
a third time, he sucks as a programmer. How often have you looked this
up? Just what I said.

$$ >>Yes. . . is it a hash, or a scalar?  If it is a scalar, why
$$ >>is it called dict?  If it is a hash, then why is it prefixed
$$ >>by $?  If this is a reference instead of a scalar, then why
$$ >>doesn't it have it's own special prefix character.  ;->
$$ >
$$ >It's a scalar. It is named dict because TomC called it that.
$$ Yes.  My point exactly.
$$ >It is
$$ >also named that since it is a reference to a hash. I use code like this
$$ >in C quite a bit :
$$ A reference to a hash. . . and yet TC claims that Perl is open to
$$ non-computer scientists.

Yep. Only computer scientists use pronouns. It's too difficult for the
rest of the people. Pronouns were invented by Turing, in the early 50s.

$$ Doesn't *ANYBODY* else see the irony in that?

No. What's the reference phobia? Does it give you spots?

$$ >If you know what it means then why do you continually get it wrong
$$ >throughout this thread?
$$ I don't suppose that you realize that getting wrong simply
$$ proves (and illustrates) my point?
$$ I learned it.  I used it.  I haven't written a new Perl program
$$ in three months.
$$ I come back to it, I get it wrong. . . do you see, yet,

Yes, we see. You suck as a programmer.

$$ >Here is some code from Damian Conway from the 'Impythonating PERL' thread
$$ >in march.
$$ >
$$ >package impythonate;
$$ >use Text::Tabs;
$$ >my ($active, @bracket) = (0, ('{', ';', '}') );
$$ >sub import
$$ >{
$$  ^ Look closely. . . see that curly brace?
$$ >And here is his sample code that is now valid perl (although anyone who uses
$$ >it for real code should be killed) :
$$ To late.  You already used a curly brace.  Disproving your point,
$$ in case you hadn't realized it.

It looks like you have a problem following a linear argument.

sub f{sprintf$_[0],$_[1],$_[2]}print f('%c%s',74,f('%c%s',117,f('%c%s',115,f(

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