Anyone else find Tk akward?

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at
Mon Aug 16 16:59:24 EDT 1999

Christopher Browne wrote:
> The Tk model of packing "objects" onto a "canvas" allows it to
> self-optimize, and lets the programmer not need to worry so much about
> those sorts of fiddly details.

This is good, except that if you just pack things
together in the simplest and most obvious way, the
results are awful -- everything is jammed together,
and nothing resizes the way you want. To get a layout
which looks good and works properly, you need to deal
with another set of fiddly details, namely the various
padding, filling and expanding options, which (for
me, anyway) seem to work in very unintuitive ways.

The idea of an automatic layout manager is as good
one, but I don't think that any of Tk's geometry
managers are a good implementation of it. I'm not
surprised that some people find them frustrating.


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