stupid Win-CGI getting started question

bill_seitz at bill_seitz at
Thu Apr 15 10:43:33 EDT 1999

In article <8DA96361Fduncanrcpcouk at>,
  Duncan Booth <duncan at> wrote:
> It sounds like you still don't have the right path to python, or it is
> protected so you can't access it. I would check the file permissions: you
> probably need to give SYSTEM (or whatever user the CGI process is running as)
> on the web server full access to the python directory.
> Try creating a CGI cmd file like this:
> ----access.cmd---------

Ugh, pardon my sloppiness. Your access.cmd worked fine. Then I went back to
the previous file, took off the stuff on your first line after the Python
path, and got the same error message followed by the rest of the contents of
the file. So that told me that the path was the offending line. I looked more
carefully, and realized (d'oh) that the path was not just a folder path to
your code files, or the path to the Python executable, but the actual path
including the executable filename itself. Once I adjusted my first line to
match that, it started working fine. Now, if only I could get .py files to

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