Database search engine

piet at piet at
Tue Apr 20 11:18:38 EDT 1999

>>>>> davidcuny at (D) writes:

D> Hello,
D> I'm doing an Intranet Web site with a database (Apache, DB2 and NT).
D> I'd like to realize a quite complex search engine on the database :
D> - the user enters mutli keywords
D> - there exists a table of non significant words
D> - there exists a table of words that have meaning: "kind" and "sort"
D> Where can I find an algorithm or, the best, Perl code for that kind of work?
D> Is Perl the good tool to do that (Perl??,java)??
D> thanks

Dr Dobbs had a couple of articles on this subject, I think in Jan and Feb
this year. They also have downloadable code in Perl and Java, which you can
use as a start. It would be nice if somebody translated it in Python (this
last sentence is mainly to make this message on-topic :=)
They use a btree (Berkeley DB 1.85) to store the index.
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
Private email: Piet.van.Oostrum at

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