GUI other than Tkinter (wxPython)

fm at fm at
Sat Apr 24 07:28:58 EDT 1999

I am a real big fan of wxPython. I've gotten everyone at our company hooked on
it. We use it for prototyping apps now because it's so much faster than any
other tool (that is, VB). It has a full set of controls (tree, list, grid).
Actually, wxWindows on which it's based is pretty nice as well (though C++
requires 10-20 times more typing). Check out
and I think you'll be pretty
happy with it. Good luck.

In article <3721567f.1748033 at news>,
  mrfusion at wrote:
> Well, I've just about given up on EVER getting Tkinter to work on my
> Win98 machine.  Is there any other GUI module that I can get that
> doesn't require TCL/TK  to be installed on my machine?  Isn't there
> something called GD?

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