GadFly - MemoryError

arw arw at
Fri Apr 9 14:14:00 EDT 1999

Sorry to reply again, but I replied a bit too quickly last

Could it be that a large number (say 1000) records
have a default URL value of the null string generating
1000000 matching record pairs?  this would explain the
behavior you see.  In this case rewriting the query is in order
see below.

----Original Message-----
   >From:     	Oleg Broytmann <phd at>
   >   I freed some memory and the program worked. It ate 30 Megs while running,
   >so I was in need of memory. But it ran 30 minutes (on 3000 rows!)
My feeling is that you are not using gadfly appropriately.
For example if what you want is to identify rows with matching
urls a join is not the best way to do it by far.  Try this method

   select * from bookmarks order by url, recno

This query also should be fairly fast.

Take the result of that query and loop through it
in a python "for" loop to find the matching urls grouped together
in the sequence.  This is the way I'd recommend you do it
using gadfly, oracle, sybase, mysql, etc...

You can also potentially use "group by URL" with max() or
min() to good effect, depending on what you want.

Sorry for the fuss and Best regards,  Aaron Watters

Please come back another day, and another person.
   -- from a story told by Erdos

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