restore sources from PYC [Q]

Christopher Petrilli petrilli at
Fri Apr 16 14:46:42 EDT 1999

Hoon Yoon <hyoon at> wrote:

> What happens if you do NOT want your pyc codes to be reverse engineered?
> Can you prevent someone from doing this type of rev eng?

You can obscure it, but never more than that... you can reverse out C
code too... at some point it must be executable, that's the point.  Maybe
you won't get the exact code back, but you will get something close.

> Some members in my IT committee always have a problem with this ability
> and often used as excuse to kill any new tech adoption.

Then you better throw out all your compilres :-) Oh, and Java too :-)

Seriously, this is a non-event that people use to spread FUD, but it
exists in all languages.  The simplicity with which it can be done
changes, but it's never more than a freshman college project.

| Christopher Petrilli                      ``Television is bubble-gum for
| petrilli at                          the mind.''-Frank Lloyd Wright

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